Always learning.

|| About Me ||

The Problem With Dream Jobs (Part 2)

I am thankful that in today’s world there are plenty of career paths to take and work...

The Problem With Dream Jobs (Part 1)

I was talking with a friend the other day and sharing what few lessons I’ve learned in my...

Tech Tuesday: Goodreader

I like to read books across multiple devices which is why I like the Kindle app. I have it on my...

On Cherishing Small Beginnings

I got home later than usual today after a late night meeting for work. When I arrive, I see my...

Stay With Your Problems a Little Longer

As I put more time on the blog and aim to write two to three posts a week—an audacious goal...

Faithfulness: “To” and “With”

Been mulling over the idea of faithfulness as it relates to my work, my relationships, and...